IT Education

Choose Fonts for Your Website With Examples

The secondary font is applied to text chunks, such as descriptions or articles. The font choice, in this case, should be based on acceptable readability. Below is an example of 3D typography you can edit and use in your web designs.

  • It’s a good idea to understand your brand first, and then find a font to match your brand persona.
  • Also, in case of long loading, your website will be ranked lower in search engines.
  • Creating contrast, in this case, comes from mixing the case, weight, or regular typefaces with italics.
  • Sans serif fonts work best for websites who want to show their visitors, “we’re just like you”.
  • It’s a solid, popular serif font, promising readability and character.

Old Style or Transitional serif fonts like EB Garamond or Libre Baskerville, tend to be easy on the eyes for longer reading like news and magazine articles. While it’s possible to use a Humanist sans serif font for long stretches of body text, the safer bet is a familiar serif design that readers can process quickly. So take the time to intentionally choose font styles that align with your brand identity and content goals. Experiment with different typeface combinations until you find those that work harmoniously together—Optimise text size, colour, and styling for readability across devices. And, of course, ensure your typographic choices are accessible to everyone. As you can imagine, sans serif fonts are more casual and carefree.

The 5 Font Personality Types

A CSS snippet is a small piece of CSS code that can be used to apply styles to a specific element or group of elements on a web page. For example, CSS snippets can be used to change a web page’s layout, color, font, and other visual elements. They can be added to a website by adding them in a separate .css file or directly to the HTML file.

choosing fonts for website

Choosing inclusive, accessible fonts is an essential part of website design. Learn how to add Google fonts to your Webflow project, upload your own custom fonts, or use variable fonts. Ultimately, choosing  the “right” font for your website comes down to striking a balance between creativity, legibility, and accessibility.

cool fonts for web and graphic design (free + paid)

Also, having too many fonts comes across as confusing and unprofessional, especially if they are on the same page. The best practice is to choose a maximum of two or three fonts to ensure uniformity and clarity throughout your site. Fonts not only affect user experience but interests, navigation speed, and many other aspects. Often, readers have to press their faces up against the screen to read the text. Having to do so does not positively affect their user experience.

But deciding between the best web fonts and the best web safe fonts isn’t your only decision. You also have to decide what style of typography would suit your branding and function of the site. Different fonts choosing fonts for website work better for long blocks of text than for attention-grabbing headlines, to say nothing of how they influence your brand perception. The downside of web safe fonts, though, is that they’re generic.

Open Sans

In order to ensure your fonts are fully accessible we recommend testing them before setting your website live. You can do this by either undertaking user testing to ask for feedback or running your website through an accessibility scanner. In the case of Hanalei, its busy block letters and rough edges may delight younger audiences, but present a struggle for older readers. Whether you’re launching your first website or hoping to revamp an existing site, learning the meanings behind fonts is a powerful tool to help you succeed. It’s a good idea to understand your brand first, and then find a font to match your brand persona. This boldness gives the design substance, and creates the impression of strength.

It’s considered a very mobile friendly font in terms of readability and is often used in apps. Another mobile friendly font is the Droid font also from the Ascender Corp or the Avenir font designed by Adrian Frutiger and published by Linotype. Check out how the designer used a unique brush script font in the example above to emphasize the martial arts theme and to create a cultural connection. The result is a well-balanced design that draws attention to just the right places.

Which one should you use in web design?

Using a web safe font means that your visitors don’t have to have a particular font installed on their computer to see it correctly. Nowadays, the gold standard is Google Fonts, which is rendered perfectly in any web browser. Brand guidelines define how the elements that make up your brand are used. Your brand guidelines are an essential tool to communicate a consistent branding strategy. In today’s multi-device landscape, your chosen fonts must be compatible across various screen sizes and resolutions.

choosing fonts for website

If you find yourself struggling, Google Fonts provides pairing suggestions, and there are free online tools to help you too. User experience is about making your visitors as virtually comfortable and happy as possible. We’re a creative branding agency dedicated to helping businesses like yours build and grow strong, memorable brands.

How to choose fonts for your web design

In other words, the appearance of the font (irrespective of what the words say) gives off a specific mood and feel, which can alter the effectiveness of your content. Serifs have a long history in typography which is why the style of these fonts often feels more traditional and sophisticated than others. In terms of where you can use them, serifs can be used in either the body or header text of a web page.

If you still search for inspiration in typography, some resources can help you make a choice. There is a wide range of websites where you can find a consistent font for your project. One of the greatest websites to look for fonts is Typewolf, where you can find many recommendations and resources on typography. At least, you will find the way for your font design with this resource.

Why Are Website Fonts Important?

Some font families are large enough to include international scripts and special characters. Sans serif fonts are the exact opposite of serif fonts, both in form and in how they come across to the viewer. In this case sans literally means “without,” so sans serif fonts are all fonts without serifs. Merriweather was designed to be read on screens, making it one of the best choices for readability. It’s a serif font that comes with plenty of styles to choose from.

choosing fonts for website

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